How I use my Social Networks (Must Read!)

Yesterday when I was chatting with my Blogger Partner about the Social Networks available on the Internet. An Idea Burst into my mind about Social Networking. I would like to share hereby How I use my Social Networking Databases. You may think this Post is of no use, but it may change your Lifestyle. First of all (when I started using Internet) I thought that Joining Social Medias is a Bad Habit!. Then I came to know that Social Medias can be made useful in many ways. It helps on Social Interaction with the People. It gives us a chance to mingle with People of Different Levels of People over the World. But now a days Social Networks has been misused & Fake Accounts are made. This Prevents us from mingling (accepting friend requests) to unknown people. The Way I use My Social Networks is different from others. I not only used to chat, Update Stats add Pics but also used to increase my Blog Traffic. There is no trick behind this. I just Paste my Top Post's link on the Update Stats Bar (Facebook), Share Bar (Google Plus) & Tweet Bar (Twitter). Then wait for some seconds. There appears a link containing our Blog's header, Description of the Post & a featured Image. Click on Share. Done! This is the main purpose that I use Social Networking. Just have a look at my Visitor List!. This is how I use My Social Networks.

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